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Traveling the country, United States

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Unhappy end to Christmas

We had a great day with the family, or those that made it, at my parent's house.  My youngest brothers wife and one of the girls were sick so they couldn't come.  Turned out to only have 11 people and two of those were Vanessa's young kids.  We enjoyed a more subdued day.  We had way too many cookies and candies, like we always do.  I did my best to stay away from all the goodies but did sample a couple.  I don't think I did too bad on my diet. 

Dinner involved too much food but it was all good.  Our basic holiday fare of turkey, ham, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, Waldorf salad, deviled eggs and rolls.  I had small amounts of those items I love. 

The kids liked the gifts they received as did my parents.  My folks are really hard to buy for as they have everything they need and buy anything they want.  I gave my mother a years subscription to Ancestry.com, as she does genealogy.  My dad got a shirt from the Wright Brothers memorial in Kitty Hawk, NC along with some gift cards at his favorite lunch places.  Gift cards are about the best thing to get them even though they are not that creative. 

When Bill and I left the house we were involved in a car accident.  We are both fine but the car had a big boo-boo.  Let's see if I can describe this.  We were sitting at the corner of Cornell and Stetson.  We were on Cornell, which runs north and south, headed south and stopped at the stop sign.  Stetson, which runs east and west, has through traffic.  There was a car headed west and a car headed east made a left hand turn onto Cornell in front of the west bound car.  The west bound car swerved to avoid him and that put him on a collision course with us.  Fortunately he swerved back and hit us in front of, or right at, the front left tire.  This tore off the bumper (which landed about 4 feet to the right of the car), cracked the grill, scratched up the left headlight and bent something underneath.  The person who made the illegal left turn wasn't hit.  They kinda came to a stop then realizing what they were responsible for, took off like a bat out of hell.  Nobody was able to get their license number.  All we know is that it was a silver 4 door Kia.  Stupid person.  Beacuse the accident occurred in the county area and not in town we had to wait about an hour for the Highway Patrol to show up.  Anyway, nobody is hurt and all insurance companies have been called and a police report has been filed.  We will find out more on Monday.  Guess we will be getting a rental car so we have something to drive around.  I hope our car is fixed before I go in for my knee replacement (Jan 18) but I am not holding my breath. 

What a way to end a holiday. 

1 comment:

Rose L said...

wish I had some of that fudge!
miss you all...