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Traveling the country, United States

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cooling off

Friday, Aug 12

Moving day again.  We left Ft Knox on our way north toward Indianapolis, IN.  We are actually about 40 miles south of the city on Camp Atterbury next to a town called Edinburg, IN.   We will be here for a week.  This is a small base but the campsites are pretty big.  Not a lot of shade but at hasn't been in the 90's the last few days.  It is suppose to stay in the low 80's for a few days, at least. 

After we got set up I was sitting at the computer desk and looked out the window.  What did I see?  This -

And it was still in the middle of the afternoon!  I wonder if we will see them again.  The camp also has a small catch and release pon, a playground and a small rec hall.  Take a look at the pictures. 

That is all for now.  Have fun.

1 comment:

Rose L said...

Wow! I was surprised to read about Nick and Aimee. Congrats!
Does he have a new job yet?