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Traveling the country, United States

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Moving to Nashville

Friday, Aug 5

Moving day and since we only had 100 miles or so to go we just piddled around in the morning.  On the way, since we had the time, we decided to stop at Cracker Barrel for lunch.  They usually have parking for RV's.  Well, they had a bunch of spaces but they were all full of cars!  So we went to the side and filled up around 10 car spaces!  We felt like parking right behind the cars in the RV spaces so they would have a harder time getting out.  Can't these people read?  There were 3 signs that said RV/Bus parking right in front of them.  It's not like there weren't other spaces available, since we found them.  One day I am going to print up a bunch of tickets that say things like, "what, can't you read, since when is this car an RV, Stupid is as stupid does," and stuff like that.  It's not like we have a lot of choices when it comes to parking but the cars do.  OK, rant over. 

About 20 minutes out from the campground it started raining.  It kinda drizzled off and on the rest of the day.  Looks like the park is going to be full tonight.  There is a sign at the entrance saying so. 

Nothing else much happened today.

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