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Traveling the country, United States

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

A turn in the weather

Sunday, Sept 4

Yesterday it was boiling hot. Today it is pouring down rain and cool.  Tomorrow is suppose to be overcast and cold.  Looks like fall has arrived, at least in Ohio. 

Because of the rain we didn't do much today.  In the afternoon it let up a bit and we ventured out to the store.  There is something weird about this base.  On the weekend all the gates are closed except for one in each section.  There are also very few people on the base except at the golf course.  Nobody seems to live in the barracks or works on the weekend.  For the section of the base the campground is on we have to drive all the way around the flight line and out to the main gate (which is numbered 12A, not 1A, that is another gate) to leave the base.  A long way to go.  Oh well, it is worth the drive to pay the price for the campground. 

Tomorrow we plan on doing some more exploring so there will be more.  Have a good day. 

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