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Traveling the country, United States

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Turning warm

Friday, Sept 2

Not much happening today. We did the laundry here on base. It was a good choice as it was $1 to wash and $.50 to dry. I will probably wash whatever collects between now and Tuesday. We leave on Wednesday and it would be a good idea to get everything done here.

I also cleaned the floors in the rig and Bill did a quick wash down of the rig. Time to get everything nice and shiney. We also got the car washed in town and picked up our mail. We got invited to a Labor Day potluck so we made a quick stop at the commissary while in town to pick up a couple of things to make.

The weather here has gotten really hot. It is just a degree or two less and 100. And it is really, really muggy. We are back to keeping everything closed up and the air conditioner running.

That was it for the day. Have a good one.

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