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Traveling the country, United States

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Day 2 Pine Grove

Monday, 7/17/2017
Pine Grove, PA
Twin Grove RV Park

The day started out nice, but the afternoon was the pits.  We got up and got dressed and drove into Pottsville so Bill could have his Coney Island hamburgers.  The mall was sad as it is over half empty. We had plans to take Bill's cousins out to dinner in the evening so we thought we would hang around town a bit.  We then drove out to Heisler's Dairy to get Bill's CMP, an ice cream sundae with Chocolate, Marshmallow, and Peanuts.  I just had chocolate chip ice cream.  It started sprinkling when we were there.  A quick drive over to Tamaqua to see Ruth but she wasn't home so we headed back to the campground.  We still had a couple of hours before dinner.

On our drive to the campground it started to rain hard.  We also noticed the highway in the other direction was backed up with traffic.  As we got closer to the campground it was really coming down hard.  I could hardly see out the windshield with the wipers going full force.  I was going slow with my blinkers on and having to avoid water running across the road.  Most of the drive is country roads with open fields so there was a lot of water running down the road.  When we pulled into the campground there were a number of RV's sitting there.  I guess they were waiting for the rain to stop before going into the office.  Anyway, I went to the gate and when I opened my car window to put the code in I got soaked!  Then I turned to go up the hill and there was a torrent of water and mud coming down the hill.  I got over that and got to our rig.  Getting into the rig caused us to get wetter.  Once inside we looked for leaks but only found one little one around a window.  Lucky.  When the rain didn't let up over the next hour we called Bill's cousin and moved dinner to tomorrow night.  I didn't want to drive through that again if I didn't have to.  So we stayed in the rest of the night.  It finally stopped raining around 5:30 and cleared up.  It was cooler but still muggy.  What a day!

We didn't do much the rest of the night.  I did spend some time on the phone with the lady at Wright-Patterson AFB making changes to our reservation.  We are going to stay longer.  Bill called the Winnebago dealer that is just up the road from Winnebago and got an appointment on 8/25 to get our air conditioner looked at.  We couldn't pass that up as it really needs something so we are not going to make it home for the Sept campout.  I have to work on our schedule for after we leave Forest City, IA.

That is all for now.  Bye

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