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Traveling the country, United States

Monday, October 19, 2020

Wednesday-Sunday, Oct 14-18

 Last Saturday we had Rory for a couple of nights so the kids could celebrate their anniversary. On Saturday we went to a local farm that was doing a fall festival. They had a small corn maze, pumpkin patch, hay rides, a place to make feed for the cows and the hay ride took you out to the field where the cows were. They also had an awesome pumpkin chucker. It was air powered and shot those pumpkins a really long way. There was also a hay barn you could climb on the hay and slides to come down. 

 Rory had a good time doing that. We ate snacks there and he picked out a big pumpkin in the patch. We spent over 3 hours there. 

This week was our next to last camp out with the group. We went to Marengo, OH and camped at the Cardinal Campground and Shooting range. It was cool and one day it rained but the ground were pretty due to the changing leaves. 

I was in charge of the main dish for Friday night so I bought two hams, sliced them up and froze them at home. At the camp out I warmed the meat in crockpots and added a glaze of pineapple, brown sugar, Dijon mustard, and Sprite. It turned out really good and everyone really liked it. We usually clean or pizza so it was different. I think the next time I volunteer for dinner I will bring fixings for tacos. We had a nice weekend.  Next month’s camp out is in two and a half weeks.  After that we will winterize the rig and put it to bed until April. We are wintering the boat at the end of October.  We found Bill’s next tow car  

My ears are still plugged up and my nose is also but I feel much better. I can finally hear through one of my new hearing aids. Hopefully the other ear will pop by tomorrow when I go see the audiologist and get them adjusted. 

That is all for now. Autumn is here and winter is coming. Take care of yourselves.  

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