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Traveling the country, United States

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

March 2024

 We celebrated Nick’s birthday by going to Osaka Hibachi restaurant.  It is similar to Benihana. The food was good but there was way too much.  Bill and I mixed our leftovers and had them another night for dinner.  I added a bit more egg and stir fried everything together.  Two meals for the price of one.  

Our carpet has been installed in the master bedroom and closet and on the stairs so everything is now updated.  We shouldn’t have to do anything else major to the house for a long time.  

The weather has been cloudy and rainy lately.  It helps keep everything green but I get tired of it after a few days.  Spring rain storms can bring severe weather around here.  

Bill and I have a bunch of doctor appointments this month.  Everything tends to fall together.  They are all just regular checkups.  

We attended another show at La Comedia. We saw Guys & Dolls and enjoyed the show.  The biggest problem there is the seats.  After sitting for the hours required my tail bone is really sore.  I forgot to take my seat cushion with me. Between dinner and the show it can be over 4 hours of sitting.  We make sure to stand and move around after dinner but before the show and again at intermission.  

Bill’s hearing aid has been acting up so we made an appointment to have it checked.  His appointment was on the same day we were having the carpet installed.  Well, just as we were getting ready to leave they called and cancelled.  It had been raining with thunder and lightning, and they said lightning had knocked out their power.  They called later and rescheduled to the 15th.  We got in and they adjusted it a bit.  The app on his phone that controls it has changed so I need to do a bit of research to see how to do what we want with it.  

Daylight savings time came again.  I really don’t like waking up in darkness but I do like longer days. It takes me a couple of days to adjust. 

I had a bone scan where they check for osteoporosis.  I do have some but not enough to worry about yet.  We both have seen our doctor for regularly scheduled appointments.  You do what you have to do at our age.  

Our camping group went out for our last lunch before camping starts.  It is fun to see our friends from there and I get out of cooking for the day.  We had good food and were still stuffed at dinner time so we skipped that.  

On Sunday we went to the golf course to have brunch with the kids.  We all ate too much but it was our only meal for the day.  We were still full the next morning.  

I traded in my phone for a newer model, free of course.  Only problem was that the conversion didn’t go too well.  It took me a few days to get everything back to the way I want it and getting my hearing aids to connect correctly.  It seems that the iPhone 15 operates differently than the 13. Now I have to get used to it again.  

I had a steroid shot in my lower back for pain management. First time I have had this done.  We will see how long it works for.  I guess I can get them every three months or so.  I have severe arthritis in my lower back.  I hope it lasts through my trip at least.  

So we closed out the end of the month with a problem.  Our lawn service came on the 28th to do our first mow of the season.  Just as they were starting on the front lawn I heard what sounded like a gun shot.  Turns out when they mowed over the strip of grass next to the street they crossed over the water clean out drain.  This thing has been here as long as we have, even back to when the house was built.  I guess over the winter the pipe must have broke and the bolt that was holding the cover on was now just sitting there.  The lawn mower launched the bolt into the air and it hit our storm door and front door.  Our storm door shattered and the front door now has a couple of nicks in it.  Our lawn service said they will pay for it but I am going to call the city as it is their water pipe.  They were closed by the time I called on Thursday and also on Good Friday.  I will call on Monday.  I called the company that installed th editors and they are going to come give me an estimate to replace the glass and see what they can do about the damage to the door.  We had these doors installed 4 years ago.  I am glad nobody was hurt. 

We went to the kids house for Easter.  Aimee and I decided to keep it simple and do burgers, pasta salad, deviled eggs and dessert.  

1 comment:

Rose said...

Sounds like lots of activity. We went to Yellowstone and Grand Tetons. You can see all on my blog.