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Traveling the country, United States

Monday, August 23, 2010

Louisville Slugger

Monday, August 23

Since we were out late last night we were a little slow this morning. We decided to leave a little after 11:30. There is one place I have been wanting to stop since we got into this area and we are going there for lunch. Where is this, you ask? White Castle! I haven't been to one of these in over 30 years. The price on the sliders has gone up over the years. They used to be around twenty-five cents or less. Today they are fifty-nine cents each. They still taste the same. We each had 4 sliders, fries and a soda. Yummy, yummy.

Once we finished lunch we drove into downtown Louisville to visit an icon. That icon - the Louisville Slugger factory. The place where they make those famous baseball bats. We took the tour of the factory, visited the museum and the gift shop. Te tour is one of the best factory tours we have been on. They take you into the actual factory and give you information on each step. No pictures are allowed in the factory but you can take them in the museum. When the tour is over they give you a mini bat to keep.

All bats are made of either Ash or Maple. The professional ball players all have their special bats made here. They can chose the wood, shape, color, and weight. When the blanks or billets arrive, they are sorted by quality of wood. The very best are saved for the professionals. They have been making bats almost as long as baseball has been played. The museum holds some of the various bats used when the player hit a record. It is an interesting place to visit.

After we left the museum we crossed back into Indiana to visit an RV dealer. They didn't have whatever Bill was looking for so we checked out some of the rigs they had. I didn't find one I couldn't live without so we returned to our rig. That was our day today. We will have to wait and see what tomorrow brings. Enjoy the pictures.

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