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Traveling the country, United States

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

I took a few days off

Nov 28 - Dec 6

I know I haven't posted in a bit but I was either having fun or not feeling well.  We did attend our camping groups December campout.  We camp out the first weekend of each month.  This campout was at Woods Valley Kampground in Valley Center, CA.  I really like this park but would love it if they put sewers in.  I didn't get any pictures as I got sick over the weekend.  Bill must have caught it from me as he got sick on Sunday.  We are both better now.  It was the 48 hour cold. 

This is our holiday campout and we got big on the potluck.  There were two turkeys and a ham cooked for us.  Everyone else brings an assigned side dish.  I was assigned breakfast so I didn't have to do anything for dinner.  The food was good but since I wasn't feeling great the best part for me was the mashed potatoes, nice and bland (no spices).  I usually have wine with this dinner but not this time. 

It appears that more people in our group have gotten dogs.  I like dogs but until they get all of these trained it is a pain to be around them. 

We have moved into our winter spot at Mountain Shadows in Hemet.  We will be here until the first of May.  This is our fourth winter and we enjoy the park.  We need to work a deal with an owner so that we are here every year in the same spot.  We have also found out that some of our friends here are ill and we hope they get better soon. 

I won't be posting every day, as we won't always be doing something.  I will post every few days.  Talk to you later. 

1 comment:

Rose L said...

NOT EVERY DAY??!!! I guess I can live with that. Have you planned out your travels for next year?
When I read about the dogs, I thought that I knew of the "perfect dog" for you! Jimmy used to have a leash with a dog harness on the end of it and it looked as if he was walking an invisible dog. THAT is what you should hve! The invisible dog. Easy to care for, keeps out of the way, quiet, does not wake you to go out in the night--perfect! LOL
Your friends would laugh if they saw that!