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Traveling the country, United States

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wild weather

Thursday, May 19

What a weird weather day.  It started out nice when we left Las Vegas.  Traveling up the I15 it was a pretty day.  Soon we were climbing higher and it started raining.  I kept looking at the mountains we were heading for and was hoping that we wouldn't drive into the snow I could see up there.  Yep, that was exactly where we were going!  Our planned stop for tonight was at Beaver, UT.  It was raining when we pulled off the interstate and drove toward the campground.  As soon as we pulled into the campground driveway it started snowing!  We were at about 6200 feet.  Since it didn't look like the snow or rain was going to stop we decided to drive on.   Only one problem, there is a restaurant on the property and we couldn't get past them to get out of the place!  I had to go into the restaurant and ask the Red Hat Ladies to move their cars. 

Once we were back on the highway the snow continued and we continued to climb.  The summit was at 7180 ft.  Eventually we did make it to a lower altitude and back down into just rain.  We stopped for fuel at a Flying J and using the new rules for the RV card we were able to use the truck lanes and get the cash price, as well as a three cent discount.  I just realized that I forgot to pick up a new booklet from them with locations.  I will have to try to remember that. 

My new radio in the RV is working great.  I really like being able to listen to the music on my Ipod with it.  When we can't pick up a station it gives us something to listen to. 

Since we didn't stop in Beaver, UT we missed lunch.  By the time we did make camp we were really hungry.  I fixed dinner as soon as we got setup.  We had sausage and sauerkraut.  There were no leftovers tonight!  We might even have popcorn later. 

So that was our day.  Tomorrow is more travel but we only have about 160 miles to go to get to Moab.  We will be staying there for 4 days to see the area.  Oh yeah, we crossed into Mountain Time today so we are now an hour ahead of Calif.  Enjoy the pictures. 

1 comment:

Rose L said...

Snow! Isn't it fun to have bipolar weather!