About Me

Traveling the country, United States

Thursday, March 29, 2012

It's Alive!!!!

My ice maker, that is.  Ever since we bought the rig the ice maker has been acting funky.  It worked fine for a couple of weeks then stopped.  I defrosted it and it worked a couple more weeks.  Then one day it didn't fill the ice tray completely with water, then it wouldn't dump the ice.  One more time defrosting it and it worked for about a day.  We called a repair guy and he said they just aren't worth the cost to repair one, it was cheaper to replace it so that is what we did.  I now have all the ice I need.  Luckily, the park here supplies ice for free so I haven't been missing it.  It is just nicer to have it made here.  Realizing that you have run out of ice at 11:00 PM and having to walk to the clubhouse is a pain. 

I have been working on the schedule for this years trip.  I have everthing planned up to where we meet our friends in Illinois in July.  We are working on the next 6 weeks together then Bill and I spend some time in Pennsylvania before heading home. 

I did a few days wash last week in my washer/dryer.  It takes a little longer to dry things like jeans and heavy towels but it is nice not to have to go to the laundry.  I think it might be cheaper too.  A load of wash is $1.25 and the dryers are $1.00 so I think that can go a long way in electricity. 

The family is doing good.  The kids have decided to stay in CA for at least one more year.  I guess we need to decide what to do with landscaping the backyard before we put the house on the market again.  Maybe I will have Nick get some quotes. 

So that is all for now.  Have a good day. 

1 comment:

Rose L said...

I am still waiting for the "scalped" photo of you!
Oh boy, now I can do some research on places t see, things to do for you!!! I love doing that.