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Traveling the country, United States

Friday, June 15, 2012

Catching up

Friday - Thursday. 6/8 - 6/14/2012

Wow, it has been a week since I last posted.  I hadn't realized that.  We have been doing things with the family and visiting with Nick & Aimee.  It was good to see everyone together and getting along.  I think Aimee enjoyed spending some time here.  The only other time she had been in NC was for Ashley's wedding and it was a quick turn-around visit.  Now if we could only figure out how to get her here without flying on the little puddle-jumper plane it would be perfect. 

We did a little shopping for maternity clothes and I was surprised at how little there is out there.  The base only had a few tops and bottoms.  Penny's didn't have anything.  Walmart only had 2 tops and 2 bottoms.  Belk's only had a little bit and they weren't too cute.  We finally found a couple of things at Target that she liked.  I was amazed that the base had so little since there are so many pregnant women around here.  What is a person suppose to do?  Order everything off the internet? 

Nick is now addicted to hush puppies.  He thinks the name is not right and that they should be called Angel Turds as they are so heavenly.  Aimee enjoyed the fried chicken at Smithfield's.  I really like  that too. 

The mosquito's are out in force this year.  They really loved snacking on Nick.  I didn't get as many bites as I expected but more than I wanted. 

Things will quiet down now that they have returned home.  They were welcomed back to Calif by a 4.1 earthquake.  Surprise!  There was no damage or anything at the house. 

So I probably won't post every day for the next week and a half but will try not to let too much time go by. 

1 comment:

Rose L said...

I always see lots of maternity clothes and cute ones at the thrift stores. Usually look new as not worn very long!
I was wondering when you would post! I always look forward to them and to photos.