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Traveling the country, United States

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ford Factory Tour

Monday, Aug 13, 2012

Another drive into Detroit today.  And we were headed to the same place - The Henry Ford.  This is where you catch the bus to get to the Ford Factory Tour.  This is the original facility that Henry Ford created way back when.  Today it is used to manufacture F150 trucks.  We waited until today to go on the tour because we wanted to see the factory in action.  It is really is a cool tour.  Everything is automated and the trucks or parts of trucks travel on conveyor belts.  Each station does just one or two things.  You cannot take pictures in the actual factory. 

After we finished the tour we headed over to the Ford Estate which is called Fair Lane, and is located on the University of Michigan, Dearborn.  The Ford's donated the land to the school.  The house use to be open to the public but it not now.  They are renovating it and it will take a couple of years before it opens.  You can walk around the grounds so we did for awhile.  Not very long as the mosquitos were out in force. 

Back in the car we all decided we were hungry so we went across the street to the mall.  We drove all the way around so we could check out the available restaurants.  It was decided we would go to Fuddrucker's.  We haven't been in one for years.  Bill and I both had chicken sandwiches.  Terry and Lydia had hamburgers.  This was going to be the big meal for today.  Tonight we will just have a snack or whatever leftovers we have.  The meal was good and we enjoyed talking about old times while there.  We were trying to remember a place that was similar to Fuddrucker's and was in Anaheim.  Lydia finally called our friend Bud to see if he remembered.  He said it was called Flakey Jakes!  Oh yeah. 

Back at our rigs I took a few pictures of the campground and Lake Erie, which the campground fronts. 

So here is the slideshow of all the pictures. 

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