About Me

Traveling the country, United States

Friday, August 10, 2012


Thursday, Aug 9, 2012

Lydia had a nail appt so we decided to hang around the rig until later.  We really didn't find anything else to go do so we decided to hang around home.  It started raining in the early afternoon so that also helped us decide to stay in.  I put lasagna in the crockpot for dinner so we had that with a salad and Terry bought some garlic bread and a lemon pie for dessert.  Yummy. 

I called my Dad and he is feeling fine.  He had a pace maker installed yesterday and should be going home from the hospital today.  We all hope this helps with his fainting spells. 

It rained the rest of the night and kept waking me up.  I am beginning to think we may have to paddle our way out of the campground. 

That is all today.

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