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Traveling the country, United States

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Finding things to do

Friday - Sunday, June 27-29, 2014

Friday we moved from the service lot to the visitor's center lot.  I don't know why they wanted us to move but we did.  We also talked to someone who is here with another Vectra and found we might have an issue in the future so we are coming back in October to have preventative work done.  We will also make a list of anything else we want looked at during that time.  I have already added checking the sensor for the electronic awning.  It is suppose to come in automatically when the wind blows too hard.  We did get a call on Friday afternoon telling us the part for the air conditioner is in and to arrange to take the rig in at 7:00 AM on Monday.  So at least that will be done.  The people here have been great to work with.

Saturday there was an International Festival down the road.  We waited until 11:00 to go.  It wasn't very big but it was cute.  The grounds are called the Heritage Park.  They have a number of old buildings that have been relocated to here that are from the surrounding area.  We walked through those and saw some other activities.  It took us a little over an hour to do all that.  We did stop and have a funnel cake.

There was a small petting zoo for the kiddies.  Here are the pictures.

 After that we decided to head over to Mason City to see a movie.  We saw How To Train Your Dragon 2.  It was cute.  After that we decided to have dinner and stopped at a place called the Rib Crib.  It is a chain in this area but was still good.  The food came quickly and was hot and good.  We both brought some of the chicken home.  The ribs were very tender and juicy.

After dinner I remembered that there was a place called the Music Man Square in town.  My sister, Rose, told me about it.  We drove over there but were too late to visit the museum.  This square is where the boyhood home of Meredith Wilson is.  He is the gentleman who wrote the play and music for the movie The Music Man.

On our way home it started raining, or I should say pouring!  I was tempted to pull over and wait it out.  I kept going, but slowly, and we got home safely.  It rained most of the night and into Sunday.  In fact, it has been raining off and on all day.  We didn't get to do much because of the rain.  There was even a little hail.  Good thing I have a weather radio and keep it set.  I don't expect much more than just rain but I think it is going to keep up for the next few days.

So that is it for now.  Have a good day.

1 comment:

Rose L said...

I LOVE funnel cakes!! And cotton candy. Not great for a diabetic but if we are good most of the time we can treat on occasion. Too bad you missed the museum.