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Traveling the country, United States

Friday, July 04, 2014

Happy Birthday Bill!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Today is Bill's birthday.  We don't have any special plans.  As we get older birthdays mean less to us.

We decided to take a drive and visit the Amana Colonies.  I thought it was an area similar to the Amish in Pennsylvania but it wasn't.  The Amana Colonies were established by a God-fearing people who left Germany in 1843.  They first settled in Ebenezer, New York and then traveled to Iowa in 1855.  They established a communal settlement there.  They built seven small villages. They prospered there but during the Great Depression were forced to end their communal way of life and reorganized into a privately held corporation.  Today the villages still exist and the people there still offer quality made items.  We enjoyed touring the town.

Bill received phone calls from a lot of friends and family today for his birthday.  On our way back to the campground we stopped for a bite to eat.  This turned out to be our dinner.  I have a pork tenderloin sandwich which was very good.  Bill had a hot turkey sandwich.  He got a lot better breakfast dinner than I did at the bowling alley.

It is not getting dark around here until about 9:00 PM.  We are planning on heading into Newton to see the fireworks show tomorrow.  They also have a few other things going on.

So that is all for now.  Bye.

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