About Me

Traveling the country, United States

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Joplin, MI

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

This is where we are spending tonight. We got up early and headed the 15 miles to Joplin to hopefully get the air conditioner fixed. It turned out that the problem is a circuit board and the part has been ordered. It should get here tomorrow. We hope to be gone by noon but I am not holding my breath. It was really great if the people here at Wheelan RV to squeeze us in and to work so hard to get us back on the road. This is one of the big reasons I do not travel with reservations. We have changes our plans and are going to head south to Fort Smith to sit out the weekend. I am just not sure if we will be there on Thursday or Friday. I will call and talk to them tomorrow. 

We did go out to Cracker Barrel for breakfast and used more of my birthday gift cards. Oh, and Sandie, I used yours to buy the Diana Gabaldon book. We skipped lunch but went to the Olive Garden around three for dinner. 

We bought a small fan to help with cooling me off in the rig. Also, walking around Walmart kept us cool. 

We are plugged in behind the service area for tonight. It is suppose to cool off to about 65 tonight. Yeah. 

We just met the person staying in another of the rigs here and he was a pistol. He isn't in for service but stays here part of the year. He drove an ice cream truck into the lot so we had one each. 

Ok so that is all tonight. Have a good day

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