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Traveling the country, United States

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Stress Free days

Friday-Saturday, July 18-19, 2014

Since we are no longer worried about the air conditioner, we have been relaxing here at the campground.  On Friday we went to the movies and saw Planes.  It was cute.  We were there with a bunch of kids.  It is a good movie for adults, too. 

We didn't do much during the rest of the day.  Just spent some quiet time around the rig.  I did do a couple of loads of laundry but not much more.  We did have a nice dinner of pork chops, mashed potatoes, tomatoes and green beans.  The weather was good.  Bill spent some time visiting with one of the neighbors who recently upgraded from a 5th wheel to an HR Endeavor.  He is getting used to some of the workings that are different than those on the 5th wheel. 

I did spent some time contacting the next couple of campgrounds we are going to use.  I had to make a small change as the Lorretta Lynn campground has a special event, motocross, going on when we were planning on being there.  I have no desire to be near that so I changed our route a little.  We will be staying in Nashville instead at Seven Points COE park.  I really like this park.  We won't have sewer hookups but it is a really nice place on the dam.  There isn't anything we particularly want to see at the Opry but we will visit downtown and maybe the Country Music Hall of Fame again. 

On Saturday we decided to go to the Farmer's Market again.  I really enjoyed the fresh tomatoes we got from there and I wanted to see what else they had.  The corn guy wasn't there but I did get the tomatoes again and also a watermelon that is pretty good.  I told the watermelon seller that I would be back if it wasn't any good!  Lucky for him, it was!  We also picked up some more cookies from the Amish bakery. 

Before we went to the market we stopped for breakfast at Mom's Café.  It is a little hole in the wall but the food was very good and plentiful.  I really liked their biscuits and gravy.  It is on the list of places to return to.  Since it is just down the street from Fort Chaffee it is convenient. 

We did some mundane things like getting the car washed.  We also stopped at the local Ford dealership to check out the C-Max again.  This is the first car on my list for replacing the Suzuki.  Next would be a Honda CRV.  The C-Max is a hybrid and I really like the idea of the good mileage. 

Back at the rig Bill did a quick hand wash of the rig to get some of the dust off.  I relaxed and enjoyed watching him.  It did get a little warmer today so I got to use the air conditioner.  It worked like a champ. 

Dinner was bratwurst, sauerkraut, tomatoes, and corn on the cob.  Yummy.  I have had a couple people ask me why I put our dinners in this blog.  Since this is a journal for me it helps me to remember things I have made.  That way I can repeat them if I like. 

So that is all for now.  Have a good day. 

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