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Traveling the country, United States

Monday, June 29, 2015

Cocoa Beach Day 5

Sunday, 6/28/2015
Cocoa Beach, FL

This morning we got up a little early to go and find a place to watch the missile launch. Our first choice, the city pier, wasn't good since we didn't want to pay $20 to park for the hour or so we left there. Our next choice turned out to be $10, so down to a city beach we saw on our way up. It was free!  We took our chairs and found a comfortable place. The gentleman next to us was a veteran launch watcher so he gave us some info. Turns out he had us looking at the wrong launch pad. After we did the count down we didn't see anything for a couple of moments then noticed the missile off to the left. I got a couple of pictures.

It is hard to track the thing with a camera so I didn't get the moment it exploded but did see it without the camera. The roar didn't reach us for a few seconds after it happened as we were about 20 miles away. 

After the launch we packed up and headed back. The rest of the day was just exciting things like laundry and packing up to leave tomorrow.

I also took some pictures of the beach and a crab that was running around.

Not very crowded for a hot Sunday Morning

That is all for now.  Have a good day,  

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