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Traveling the country, United States

Friday, June 26, 2015

Cocoa Beach, FL Day 2

Thursday, 6/25/2015
Cocoa Beach, FL

We had a list of things to get done today.  First we headed into the campground office to pay our bill for the 5 nights here.  It was suppose to open at 10:00 but the person there had to go pick up mail so she wasn't in.  We will stop by later.

Next we headed to the Post Office to mail a card to Nelson, our Great-Grandson, for his 4th birthday this weekend.  The Post Office was right next door to the ticket office where we picked up tickets to go to the Kennedy Space Center.  (Just a note, the launch has been rescheduled to Sunday)  This place must be bigger than Houston as it is much more expensive to visit.  I couldn't find any half off tickets like I did in Houston.

After that we headed over to the PX and Commissary.  We were looking for the things that go on the bottom of chair legs so they don't scratch the floor.  One of them on my chair broke.  They are only plastic so that is expected.  They didn't have those but they did have a cute top that I bought.  We walked around and checked out a couple of other things too.  Then we hit the Commissary and got some groceries.  When we walked out of there the sky was really dark and you could see lightening and hear thunder.  Guess we better head back to the rig!  Back at the rig Bill put the groceries away while I ran across the street to the office to pay and get home before the rain.  The lady at the office was really nice but we discovered that they had overcharged me.  The camp host last night put 30 days on the form instead of 5!  That would have made each of the 5 nights $100 instead of the $19 it was suppose to be,  That would have been almost as expensive as Disney World!  Good thing we got that fixed.  Anyway. I got back to the rig just as it started to rain.  The rain lasted most of the rest of the day so we didn't do much more.

We did decided to go out to dinner.  We drove into Cocoa Beach and went to a place called Jack Baker's Lobster Shanty.  It got good reviews on Trip Advisor.  The camp host had mentioned a place called Goombay's but when I checked out the reviews they weren't that good.  Since I have had good luck with places on Trip Advisor I went with their recommendation.  Good thing I did.  I thought Bill might have lobster but they had early bird specials and he ordered their shrimp and crab cake.  I had grouper encrusted with Parmesan and bacon.  Your meal came with either soup or salad bar.  Bill had the clam chowder and I had the salad.  He said the clam chowder was very good and his meal was too.  The salad bar was fine.  They had a lot of toppings available and my fish was good.  We also got dessert and this is where they didn't do so good.  Bill had sherbet and I order creme brulee.  The custard part was not good.  It was grainy and had very little taste.  Since I paid extra to upgrade the dessert I called the waitress over to have  her take it back and remove the charge.  She apologized and quickly said she would remove the charge without me saying anything.  Other than that it was a very good meal.  I took some pictures of the place before we left.

We took a drive further into the city looking for a hardware store and found an Ace Hardware where we got the chair things we needed.  They have so much stuff in those little stores.  As we drove south back to the base we decided to drive down into Satellite Beach.  There were larger stores down there.  We found the Lowe's and Walmart and a few more restaurants.

Soon we were back at the rig and watched a show I recorded last weekend during the free HBO.  It was called Jersey Boys and it was pretty good.  It is the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.  It was also a Broadway play,  Soon after that we headed to bed with the sound of raindrops lulling us to sleep.

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