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Traveling the country, United States

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Key West, Days 4 and 5

Sunday-Monday, 6/22-23/2015
Key West, FL

Once again we had a quiet day on Sunday.  Bill talked to most of his children on the phone.  I talked to my Dad on Saturday.  We did drive to a couple of the near islands to check them out.  Not much there.  Most of the restaurants here are down in downtown, where parking is the pits and it is crowded.

Monday evening was our planned sunset cruise on the glass bottom boat.  The boat holds 110 people but there were only about 50-60 people there.  It was a nice trip and the staff was very knowledgeable about the coral reef and the fish.

We really were not hungry for dinner so we decided to stop and have dessert at one of the places on the docks.  Bill had key lime pie and I had a bread pudding with bourbon sauce.  The were both good but I think my bread pudding is better.

Afterward we walked around for a bit before loading on the boat.  Across from the dock area there is an island that you can only get to by water or air.  Most of the homes there cost in the millions.  There are some cabins owned by Marriott that you can stay in.  I wonder if Jimmy Buffet lives here?

The boat trip was about a 45 minute ride out to the reef.  Once there we floated over the reef looking for things to see.  The glass bottom boat was different than any other I have been on.  Usually there is one big piece of glass.  This one had a bunch of smaller pieces.  We didn't see  any big fish or mammals.

After being over the reef for about 30 minutes we headed in for the sunset.  It is a big thing in Key West.  They have a bunch of performers in Mallory Square along with artists selling things.  As we got closer to the dock the captain did take us close to Mallory Square so we could see the stuff from the water,

I don't know, maybe it is because I grew up in Orange County and see the sun set in the water all the time I wasn't impressed.  I mean, it was pretty but nothing spectacular.  The same thing with Key West.  Since we don't hang out in bars every night I wasn't impressed with the city.  Maybe if we were younger we would feel different.  We also were not happy with the campground.  Now people go on and on about this campground every year.  It is much more popular in the winter than the summer.  This last year they had over 600 people trying to get full hookup sites.  I think they are way too close together.  When I put out my awning I could only put it part way out or it would touch the next rig.  They don't mow the grass here.  If you don't like the knee high grass then you can get a lawnmower from the camp host and cut it yourself.  I don't think so.  We also got an "eviction" notice the night before we left.  It was taped to our door to remind us to leave the next morning by 10:00.  I don't think we will ever come back here.  The only good part was the price.

So I will stop complaining now.  Here are all the pictures I took.

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