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Traveling the country, United States

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Jacksonville, FL Day 3

Wednesday, 7/01/2015
Jacksonville, FL

Don't know what we were thinking this morning but we went over to the PX and Commissary to pick up a couple of things.  Today is the 1st (payday) and there is a major holiday this weekend.  Parking was impossible and the stores were very crowded.  See what being retired does, you forget things like this.

We got the few things we needed and headed back to the rig.  I fixed meatloaf for dinner and put it in the crockpot.  I made it a little differently this time.  I wrapped it in bacon.  It gave the meatloaf a really good flavor.

We didn't have any exploring planned so I caught up on some things I needed to get done.  I bought tickets for our little traveling band to see the Lion King play in October.  I hope everyone likes the seats I picked out.  We also did a load of laundry since it is free here.  Wanted to keep that caught up.  Tomorrow we head into Georgia so we reviewed the route and picked where we would get fuel.  That was about it.

It looks like our ant problem has gone away.  Yeah!

So that is all for today.  Have a good one.  

1 comment:

Rose L said...

Where are you headed after florida