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Traveling the country, United States

Friday, July 31, 2015

New Bern, Days 15-18

Monday-Thursday, July 27-30/2015

This week has been taken up with repairs to the rig.  The step and slide cover are in so we are scheduled to have those installed on Thursday.  That repair went smoothly.

We had scheduled a service on the engine on Wednesday.  They were going to check out the dash air conditioner and check the coolant in the radiator.  The coolant was fine.  The air conditioner needed a part they didn't have and they made a check at another place.  Luckily they had the part so that was repaired.  Unfortunately,  when they were working on the dash air the front cover had a arm come loose.  They had to repair that.  On the way back to the base the check engine light came on.  I don't know how long it was on but it did go out.  Bill noticed that the engine battery did not seem to be registering that it was charging.  We stopped by to see them after we dropped the rig at the RV repair place and they said to bring it in after we were done there.  We got the rig to them around 11:30.  Turns out the alternator was bad.  OK, they will replace it.  This meant a call to the warranty place where we once again had trouble because of the odometer.  I talked to them and got that straightened out.  Now I need to find out why the records have not been changed to reflect the new mileage.

We have decided to stay a few more days just in case, also because it is suppose to rain on Monday.  I called in the morning to do this and found out they had another reservation in our site on Monday so we worked out that we would change sites today when we brought the rig back.

We have seen the family a few times this week.  We generally head to the house every other day.  No plans for the weekend yet.  That will depend on the weather.

That is all for now.  More later.

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