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Traveling the country, United States

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Little Rock, AR Day 1

Wednesday, 9/09/2015
Little Rock Air Force Base Famcamp
Little Rock, AR

The drive today was short, about 135 miles.  Right after we left our campground it started raining and kept at it for most of the day.  The road was in horrible condition.  It did finally smooth out closer to Little Rock.

We are stopped for the next two nights at the Famcamp on Little Rock Air Force Base.  We have stayed here before.  We are in the back section of the campground in a full hookup site.  I will take pictures tomorrow and post them.

After we got setup we headed out to the Exchange and Commissary.  We also had lunch at the food court in the Exchange.

The rest of the day we just relaxed.  Tomorrow we have things to do.

So that is all for now.  

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