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Traveling the country, United States

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Albuquerque, NM Day 4

Saturday, 6/11/2016
Albuquerque, NM

Today we decided to drive across town and visit the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History.  It is located just up the road from Kirtland AFB, where we have stayed many times.  I always said we were going to visit it one day.  Today is that day.

The museum is laid out nicely.  It talks about the pioneers, WW2, the Manhattan Project, the Cold War, Nuclear Medicine, and other Nuclear Science and Technology.  There is a temporary exhibit hall that had a small display on Route 66.  We wandered about for a couple of hours.

After we finished at the museum we headed over to the base.  We had lunch in the PX, we had Philly chicken sandwiches.  Next we hit the commissary for a couple of things.  Soon we were on our way back to the rig.

Lola got a walk when we got back.  It has been in the 90's all week so she gets short walks except in the evening when it cools down.  Later in the evening we took her off leash so we could throw the ball for her to chase.  She needed the exercise.  Since there were no other dogs out she did really well.  She had met many of the dogs here in the park and is doing well playing with them.

I fixed pork chops for dinner.  We had tomatoes and applesauce with them as we weren't very hungry.  We watched a bit of TV and I read my book in the evening.  We did have a few sprinkles and some wind in the evening but it settled down.

Here are all the pictures I took,

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