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Traveling the country, United States

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Dayton, OH

Wednesday, 6/29/2016
Dayton, OH
Wright-Patterson AFB

We had about 80 miles to cover today.  We were up and out by 9:15 and into the base by 11:30.  We did stop once to top off the fuel tank.  Since it was during the day and during the week we were able to use the back gate to get to the campground.  We had heard that finally there was a camp host here.  You can see the changes.  The grass between the rigs is green and not the knee high weeks that were here before.  It certainly is full.  We found our site and got settled in.  Just as we were finished getting the basics taken care of Nick called and said that if we could get to the house by 1:30 we could see him.  We jumped in the car and took off.  We were able to see him for about 30 minutes before he had to leave to do some work.

We spent a few hours with Aimee and Rory.  He certainly has grown.  We will have to slowly introduce Lola to the other dogs at the house.  She certainly was excited to see everyone.  She soon settled down and behaved.

About 4:00 we headed back to the base.  It is about 30-40 minutes to get back and forth.  That is about the same amount of time it took us to get from the base in Seal Beach to the house.

We will get settled in and set up a schedule to visit and do things with the kids.  Part of it will depend on Nick's schedule.

So we got back to the rig and finished our setup.  We moved things from the bottom of the rig to the car and will be delivering them tomorrow.

That is all for now.

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