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Traveling the country, United States

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Steelville, MO

Sunday, 6/26/2016
Steelville, MO

When I woke up this morning Lola wasn't in bed.  She is usually the last one out of bed but she was up and out early.  I don't know if she knows we are moving today or not.  We started packing up as we went about our morning routine.  Terry and Lydia came over a little before 8:00 to say, "Bye".  They are taking off today and heading toward Kansas City where they will spend a couple of days.  We are heading the other way towards St Louis.  Rick and Janie are going with them.  They should be home by the first of August.

We were on our way around 9:30.  The drive was not difficult and we made our destination before 1:00.  We are at Candy Cane RV Park in Steelville, MO for the night.  It is a cute little place.  We have full hookups but are not using the sewer.  We are able to use our satellite.  Phone service is a bit low so that means our internet isn't real strong either, but it works.  You have to drive off the highway a bit but at least the road parallels the interstate.  We went in one way and will go out another to rejoin I44.

Here are a couple of pictures.

There isn't much around here so we didn't unhook the car.  There are a couple of things about the James gang but we decided not to go.  Thunder started once we got set up.  Lola really didn't like it.  She started barking and growling whenever thunder clapped.  Some of it was very loud and I jumped when it clapped.  We got some some rain off and on during the afternoon.

We are having a light dinner of grilled chicken breast.  After all the food we ate in Branson we need to eat light for awhile.

So that was our day.  Hope you had a good one.

After I posted this I got a call from Terry.  Seems that Janie tripped over Bailey and fell on her arm.  She was in great pain.  Rick took her to the doctor and she has a broken arm.  She is not in a cast but has a sling.  That is all I know at this time.  Will update tomorrow.

1 comment:

Rose L said...

Lola says you want to keep her!