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Traveling the country, United States

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Friday, March 27

I went to bed feeling fine but woke up a little stiff after gardening yesterday.  Looks like I need to do more stretching exercises.

It didn’t rain last night but did start after we got up this morning. It is suppose to rain off and on all day. That means we won’t be going out today. Bummer.

Dinner tonight is going to be whatever we want from the refrigerator.  I am not cooking anything new, just leftovers. Monday is trash day so I like to clean out the fridge over the weekend.  That generally mean we eat odd combinations at those times.

I am keeping an eye on the stimulus package. It seems pretty good. I have talked with Nick about his company. They are trying to decide if they should lay off their employees or what is the best way for the to move forward.

I am still seeing stupid people who are out and about when they should be home. Many stares have not issued a stay at home order. This is so stupid. If all the states don’t cooperate then the crisis will go for a longer time than necessary. Stay at home people!!!!

We talked with the kids via FaceTime today. They are all doing fine, just bored like us. Lola was going crazy because she could hear my voice but couldn’t find me. Aimee has everything on a schedule and things are running smoothly. When it is safe we will have Rory over for a few days so the two of them can have some quiet time.

That was it for today.

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