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Traveling the country, United States

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tuesday, March 24

So Tuesday was the day I restarted the blog so a lot of time was spent doing that. I have also been reading a lot. Thank goodness for my Kindle and Amazon Prime unlimited.  I am getting a lot of free or really cheap books. Bill spend time on his computer. I am forcing myself to do some exercises and he does his walking.

I fixed spaghetti and salad for dinner. We had egg salad sandwiches for lunch. Breakfast is usually cereal for Bill and an English muffin for me. I also have a banana to keep my potassium up.  I have been trying to set up menus for each day in advance but find that hard to do. I did make a menu for dinners over the next week and a half. That way I could buy what I need for those meals and then pick and choose which to cook based on the need to use the fresher ingredients.

I talked to Nick a bit. He is still working and being very careful with what he does. He doesn’t want to bring anything home to the family. Since they are a service company for restaurants they are considered essential.

The market did really well today. I hope it keeps up for a few more days and we recover some of what we lost. I don’t think we will get anything from this stimulus package as we don’t have earned income but we will see. As long as our social security and pensions come in we will be fine.

Bill was working on the budget and for the first time I have spent more on groceries than on dining out. We usually go out at least once a week for at least breakfast and a dinner. Usually a lunch or two also. We also take the kids out every couple of weeks. Since there is no dining out I purchased more food to cook.

So that was our staying in day for today.

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