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Traveling the country, United States

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Stay at home

So it has been a couple of weeks that we have been staying home. For us it started before the official shut down. Bill got a cold in early March and gave it to me a week later. No, we don’t have corona, just upper respiratory colds. You know the one, where your nose runs for weeks.  We have both been to the doctor. In Ohio the governor has been shutting things down earlier than other states have, in hopes of keeping the number of sick down.  We haven’t been to the YMCA this month because of our colds and then because of the shut downs.  I really miss going. I was beginning to enjoy the class I was taking and I felt it was helping me. I try to exercise here at home but it is so much easier in the water. We have been lucky with just us at home. I feel for Nick and Aimee and would love to help them with Rory but because of our ages and my weak immune system we have all decided it is best if the little germ factory stays home. Because of the restaurant shut down, Nick has been home more to help. They are considered an essential business so he does have work, just not as much.

I guess I should apologize to the world.  All this started after I made reservations to travel to Ireland and Scotland in September.  We have paid for the airline tickets but have only made deposits on the tour.  We are hopeful that we will still be able to go. Who knows, maybe the flight prices will drop dramatically and we can upgrade to first class!  We are still looking forward to going.

Our camping group had to cancel their last to dinners because of the shut downs but are still planning on the April camp out on the 15th. We are not planning on attending as I think it will be too soon.  I don’t need to be around people yet. Also, it is usually raining that time of year.  Our rig has not been de-winterized yet. It is at the shop now having a few things taken care of. We had planned on downsizing to a class C this year but because of the turmoil in the market we may not. It will all depend on the deal we can get.

We did get our on demand water heater and water softener installed before all this mess started. It is nice not to have water spots on our stuff now. We did have a couple of issues in the beginning but the service we used was very good about tweaking the water heater and getting it to run correctly. We are very happy now. In the last year we have replaced the air conditioner, the heater, the water heater and installed a water heater. That is all the major appliances. We replaced all the kitchen appliances when we first moved in so we should be good for a number of years.  The last things to upgrade are the bathrooms, maybe next year. I also want to replace the front door so I can get a screen/storm door.  The last, and absolutely the least, would be to get gas to my stove instead of electric but that would require tearing up the floors so I probably won’t do that. I don’t particularly like cooking on an electric stove, having grown up cooking on gas. Another thing I might do is replace the gas fireplace with an electric one. I know, big ideas, little follow thru.  The economy will determine what I can and can’t do.

My friend Lydia has been really sick.  She has been having trouble with her foot for the last six months or so. Turns out she has cancer in the foot which has spread. Unfortunately, the first round of chemo she had made her really sick. It put her back in the hospital. She had a kidney transplant a number of years ago and the chemo destroyed that one working kidney. She now has to go to dialysis 3 times a week. She will either do dialysis for the rest of her life or get another transplant. We had planned on traveling to Oregon to see her and Terry before the virus hit. We hope we will be able to go see them this summer. We would have to decide if we should fly, take a car or take the motor home.

This morning we got up early, like 6:30 AM to go to the grocery store for senior hours to pick up a few things. It was nice as the store had most of what I wanted. There were a few things I couldn’t get and I had to change brands on a couple of things. I couldn’t get Skippy peanut butter so I am trying Jiff. We found toilet paper but again had to get a different brand. Because the first hour of the day is for seniors and other high risk folks. We have just about everything we need for the next week or so. I will have to ask Aimee if she needs things the next time we go shopping.

The other day we decided to drive over to the local lake we take the boat out on to check it out. Because of all the rain we have had the lake is really full.  It is so full the swimming beach is completely under water!  They haven’t put the docks in yet either. Some fishermen are still able to get out on the lake with their smaller boats without using a dock. It is still a bit cold for us. We also have to get the boat summerized.  We had it winterized and shrink wrapped last fall. They pumped out the water, changed the oil, and took out the battery. I don’t know if they will keep it open or not.

The rest of my family is doing good, as far as I know. I have talked to my mom a few times and things seem good in Calif.  My sister in Oregon has posted on Facebook that things are fine with her. We have talked to Bill’s sister and they are all good. The girls in North Carolina and their families are in good health. I think the economy is affecting everyone with work shutting down everywhere but I hope they can all weather this storm.

We have been watching a lot of old movies on tv. Our latest is Charlie Chan movies. We are also checking out stuff on Netflix, Amazon Prime video and Disney plus.  We are also cleaning closets and cabinets. Boy are we bored!  We make ourselves get up, shower and get dressed each day. It would be so easy to sit around all day in our pj’s and we don’t want to get in that habit. I am also cooking a few more new dishes for us. I have tried orzo, couscous, and quinoa. I am trying to break the potato habit. Whole grains are good for us. We are also incorporating greens into our diet. That does mean more grocery store visits for fresh veggies but worth it.

So that is all for now. I will post again in a few days.

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