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Traveling the country, United States

Saturday, May 09, 2020

Friday, May 8

It rained all morning and finally stopped around 1:00. We took our morning walk after that. It was later when we took our evening walk also. But we got them in!

Other than that it was a quiet day.  I did bake a blueberry loaf bread for breakfast. It was good but it took longer than the recipe said to bake it. We will probably be eating on it for a couple of days.

Dinner was something different. I took ground turkey out of the freezer but couldn’t decide what to make. I finally decided that SOS would be good. We haven’t had that in a really long time. It turned out pretty good. I will have to remember to make it occasionally.

We need to move my puzzle off the dinning room for tomorrow so Bill found a large piece of cardboard to use as a tray to move it. It worked out pretty good.

I heard from Terry that Lydia’s kidney is working good enough that she doesn’t have to go to dialysis anymore. Yeah!

That is all for today.

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