About Me

Traveling the country, United States

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Saturday, May 9

No rain today but it was cold. We had a freeze warning overnight and will have another one tomorrow night.

Our only trip out was to the post office to drop some mail off. We also drove through Taco Bell to get lunch. We are seeing more cars out and about. Maybe because it was Saturday, maybe because people just have to get out.

We only took one walk today in the evening. Somehow we both thought we had taken a walk in the morning but we didn’t. Oh well.

A couple of days ago we had pork chops and scalloped potatoes.  We split one of the chops as they were big and we had half of the potatoes left. I heated that up for dinner and added broccoli.  We had strawberries and ice cream for dessert.

We cleaned house for the kids visit tomorrow. I also took some cupcakes out of the freezer for dessert. I will probably put out some cheese and crackers too. Not too much as we are ordering Chinese food for dinner.

That is all. I think I may start posting every couple of days in the future, so if you don’t see anything for a bit don’t worry.

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