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Traveling the country, United States

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mickey Gilley

Monday, June 13

Hot, hot, hot.  Catching a theme here?  Today was a quiet day.  The fishermen were out once again (I don't know how they think we can eat that many fish).  The girls spent a quiet day in the park.  Bill and I did go out and do a little shopping.  I wanted to visit the Christmas store in town and a place called the Amish Country store.  The Amish store was cool.  They had a lot of dehydrated mixes for soups, dips and things.  I bought some blueberry jelly for Bill and a jar of peach/pineapple preserves for my Dad.  It is a flavor he loves and it is very difficult to find.  (Dad, let me know if you want more than 1 jar!)

The Christmas store was big.  I was able to resist the things they had in the store but it took a lot of effort.  The Christmas store is in a nice shopping center with some unique stores.  We wandered in and out of those also.  There was one store that sold western style items.  I asked if they had any refills for wallets, mine have fallen apart, and the nice lady gave me two!  She wouldn't let me pay for them either.  I really did try to find something to buy in her store but everything was soooo expensive.  I thanked her and asked all our friends to check out her store when they are in town. 

Some of the group went out to dinner before gathering to go see Mickey Gilley.  We decided to eat in again.  I notice that when we do go out to eat I gain weight so I am trying to avoid that! 

In July 2009 Mickey Gilley had a major accident, he fell while helping a neighbor move furniture, and damaged his spine.  For a long time they thought he would never walk again.  Now, two years later, he is up and walking but still cannot play the piano.  For the show he sat in a chair and rolled around the stage. 

This certainly did not keep him from putting on a great show.  His voice was not affected.  He sang many of his 17 number one hits and selections from his 39 top 10 songs.  I really liked his show because he doesn't change the way they play the old hits.  You can sing along and they sound just like they did on the radio.  His band and backup singers were good too.  He has a member of his band who is also a comedian and they had a good back and forth thing going on.  As with most of the other shows we have been to the audience was way down.  Mickey commented on that and thanked everyone for being there. 

It was a good show.  Here are the pictures -

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