I went to the local haircut place to get a trim the other day. It is one of those places where you don't make an appointment, just walk in. I have used this place before. Sometimes you get a great person, sometimes an average one. That day I got a bad one. I asked to have about half an inch cut off and that is just about all she left! In the back I don't think it is even that long! To give you an idea, I have a hair cut like a guy! She did leave a bit on the top but that is it! Once you see that it is too short there is nothing you can do about it. Oh well, it will grow and I won't have to get another cut for at least 2 months, maybe longer.
We have stuck in the rig the last few days as it has been raining and windy. I know we really need the rain here but it is soooo boring. At least I have been able to work on some geneology. I have the Betz family going back for 10 generations up to our son. Some days I can't find anything and then others I find all kinds of stuff. I am still looking for info on when they came to America (Sometime between 1840 and 1850) and Bill's 4 times great-grandfather's birth record, death record and where he is buried. I have his marriage record and have found him in the 1850 US census records.
Bill went fishing with a group of guys the other day and left me stranded here. Those are the days when I wish we had more than one car. Oh well, I leave him stranded when I go to the library.
I have also spent time working on our travel this spring. I think I have everything done getting to North Carolina in time for Tyler's graduation. Now I have to schedule our travel over to St Louis, MO to meet our friends. I think we have decided to head to the UP of Michigan before heading over to Williamsport and the Little League World Series. It will be interesting to travel with someone else.
So that is all for now. More later.
i wish i were going with you...have fun!
I expected a photo of this infamous scalping.
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