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Traveling the country, United States

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Lexington, KY

Sunday, 6/03/2012

We got off to a good start today, leaving the campground around 9:00 AM.  Today is a short drive of only 188 miles.  We are heading to Lexington, KY and the Kentucky Horse Farm Campground.  The drive was uneventful and we made it into the campground around noon.  This is the earliest we have stopped on most of the trip.  At least we didn't cross any time zones so we didn't lose or gain any time.  We are in the Eastern Time Zone.  This should be the last time change for a few weeks. 

This campground is only water and electric but that is fine for overnight.  I really like the campground and would be willing to stay longer even if I had to conserve water. 

I messed up a bit and parked Bill in the wrong spot.  I had to go back to the office and get them to change the receipt.  Of course we didn't notice it until we had everything setup. 

There is an RV sale going on in the campground so we had to stop by and visit it.  They had a couple of rigs I liked but each had something wrong with it.  The bath and a half is very popular now but I don't like that.  It takes up storage space and we don't have visitors enough to require it.  If there were more than the 2 of us in the rig I might like it. 

After that we went over to the Kentucky Horse Park.  If you like horses this is a great place to visit.  Since it was later in the afternoon we missed some of the shows they put on.  They had a lot of Kentucky Derby winners on display.  We also got to take a short trolley ride around the park.  They offer other tours that we missed.  You can also take a trail ride.  These cost extra. 

Here are a couple of pics of the park -

The day warmed up nicely.  I think it got all the way up to 75 degrees today.  I may soon be back in shorts! 

So that was our day.  I hope you enjoy the pictures -


Terry said...

We have this park as a planned stop for the return trip.

Rose L said...

I love the barn cat. And I love horses!