About Me

Traveling the country, United States

Friday, September 21, 2012


Wed - Fri, Sept 19 - 21, 2012

Not much happening.  No movies out that we want to see, nothing much happening.  They finally opened the PX back up on Thursday.  It had been closed for about a week because someone came down with Legionaires disease.  I don't know if she worked there or what but they determined she didn't get it at the PX.  I was able to get some of the Hallmark ornaments for my Mom but not all of them yet.  I still have a couple of bases to hit before we get back to Calif. 

We saw the kids on Wednesday night and we plan on seeing them tonight.  Sunday will be our last visit before we pull out on Monday morning. 

I finally got our route planned.  We are heading south and hope to stop at the Johnson and Bush #1 Presidential Libraries.  They are within about 100 miles of each other in Texas.  Looks like our travels are coming to an end for this year.  It makes me a little sad but the weather is changing and it is time to head to warmer climate. 

Sorry it is a short post but I really don't have anything to write about.  bye.

1 comment:

Rose L said...

Ugh! Texas