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Traveling the country, United States

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Rain, rain go away

Monday - Tuesday, Sept 17 - 18, 2012

Both days were on the quiet side.  We did drive down to the Lowes and Staples to pick up a couple of items.  Bill is now anxious to go back to Ruby Tuesday's to have steak and lobster again.  It is funny, normally we don't like this chain but the lobster deal is too good to pass up. 

We had rain on both days but on Tuesday the skies just opened up and stayed that way.  We had planned on heading over to Stormy's Tuesday night but it was raining so hard we decided it was better to stay home.  Don't want to give their body shop any more work!  I was also able to get my grocery shopping done before the rain came. 

Hopefully the weather will be better on Wednesday and we can get out and about. 

So that is it, exciting isn't it? 

1 comment:

Rose L said...

Lobster...yummmmmmmmmmmmm! My mouth is watering. I have not had any in years!!!