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Traveling the country, United States

Monday, June 16, 2014

Elko, NV

Monday, June 16, 2014

We had an early morning and were on the road around 8:30 AM.  I drove the first part of the day.  I needed to get in some more practice with this rig.  I have driven the other ones we have had but hadn't really driven this one a lot.  It was not problem.  I think I make Bill a little nervous.  He isn't used to sitting in the right hand seat.  The drive was long and boring.  The first 50 miles were on a side road and then the rest was on I-80.  There was a lot of construction during the last 50 miles that slowed us down. 

We are spending the night at the Ryndon RV park outside of Elko, NV.  There is a bar next to the office and boy can you smell the cigarette smoke.  We are definitely not in California anymore.  There are a lot of permanent rigs in this park.  I noticed that all the other ones we drove by were also pretty full with long term people.  Here are a few pictures of the park -

The wind picked up and the clouds moved in so we are planning for some rain later tonight.  I took my windshield cover off, just in case.  Because of the wind and cold we didn't really do anything else today except for fixing dinner in the rig.

That is all we have for tonight.  Have a good day.

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