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Traveling the country, United States

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Not much happening

Saturday, July 26, 2014

We didn't do much today.  We picked up a couple of things at the commissary, found the recycle center to drop off our bottles, and I bought something at the PX.  I spent a lot of the afternoon working on our schedule after we leave NC.  I have a basic idea but haven't settled on the exact days yet.  I still have about 10 days to fill before our appointment at Winnebago.

I do have to give a pat on the back to Bill.  We haven't felt that the air conditioner was working as well as it did before it was repaired.  It just didn't seem to have enough oomph.  So Bill got out the paperwork and followed some of the troubleshoot steps it listed.  It seems there are two compressors and one of the had popped the circuit breaker back when we had no air.  I guess the repair guys didn't notice it and never reset the circuit.  Bill did and now the air runs just as good as it used to.  It was a good thing as it was HOT last night.  I don't think the outside temp ever got below 85 F.  I turned the fan on (Bill doesn't like sleeping with the air on) but that wasn't good enough.  It was a hot night.  If it doesn't get cooler tonight we are sleeping with the air on. 

So that was our last day in Memphis.  Now on to Nashville. 

1 comment:

Rose L said...

It does help to read instructions!