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Traveling the country, United States

Monday, September 14, 2015

Lewisville, TX Day 2

Sunday, 9/13/2015
Lewisville (Dallas), TX

We took off to head into town today to visit the George W Bush Presidential Library.  It was about 25 miles away and through a lot of construction and the weird roads in Texas.  There are a number of places where you have to go North to South and South to go North.  It can get confusing.  We found the library and got parked.  We had to pay $7 to park.  I think this is the first library we have had to pay to park at.  It is located on the campus of SMU.  Unfortunately, I misread the website and the library was closed when we got there.  We got there at 11:00 and it doesn't open until 12:00.  Since we were already in the parking lot we stayed and talked while waiting for the library to open.  By the time it did open there were a lot of people here so it made getting through the security and admission process slow.

Once inside we enjoyed looking at the exhibits and reading everything.  It is a very well done library.  Bill particularly liked the atrium where there was an area that the pictures changed and looked very lifelike.  There were also scenes shown but I didn't get a picture of those.

There was an area about 9/11 -

The oval office, of course -

State dinners -

Family life and gifts -

Their special exhibit was about Presidents and Baseball.

We enjoyed the library very much.

After we left the library we tried to find somewhere for lunch.  It was very difficult but we soon found our way to a Saltgrass Steakhouse.  The food was very good.  My prime rib was fork tender.  I would go to one again.

Back at the rig we checked out directions for tomorrow and did a little cleanup.  We are off again tomorrow.

Please enjoy the pictures I took.  You can't use a flash in the library so they are the best I could do.

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