About Me

Traveling the country, United States

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Catching Up

So what have we been doing?  Just a bunch of stuff around the house.  We are finally settled in and are no longer moving stuff between the rig and the house.  The rig has been in the shop a couple of times for issues.  The biggest one being our air conditioner that makes a lot of noise.  We do have a problem there as they don't make that one any more and trying to get parts is impossible.  I guess we are just going to have to live with the noise until we get something figured out.  There is a guy in Indiana who thinks he can help.  We might go there this summer.

We have been going camping with the club and Lola has been going with us.  She enjoys being out and around.  We are working on her habit of jumping on people and other dogs.  Most of the other dogs get along with her now, there are just a couple we are working with.

Somehow I got myself elected to be Treasurer of the Rustlers.  Oh what fun.  Right now I am working on the tax papers for the year.  It would be nice if the previous Treasurers had left notes on stuff.

We are working on getting some stuff done around the house in anticipation of selling it in 2 years.  We will see how everything turns out.

I will try to update a little more regularly.

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