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Traveling the country, United States

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Saturday, April 11

I got up this morning and made breakfast. We had scrambled eggs and cinnamon rolls. Since we had slept in this will be both breakfast and lunch. I plan on making halibut with couscous. I will add some sautéed kale to the couscous.

It is cold again today but this afternoon it might reach 60 so we put our walk off until then.  The sun came out and the day was nice u less the wind was blowing, but we got our walk in. Then we sat out on the patio and also did a bit of cleaning up out there.  I am not sure why as it is suppose to rain tomorrow, but it kept us busy.

I mopped the kitchen floor and Bill cleaned the master bath. This added a couple of things to my grocery list. I keep a list going all week so that I don’t forget things gas when we get to the store. If it isn’t written down I generally forget it.  We will probably go to the store on Monday. I started marinating a Tri Tip to cook for Easter dinner. I didn’t get ham last week so we won’t have that. I may see if they have any on sale when I go to the grocery store. I usually buy a spiral sliced and them package it up in meal size packages and freeze them. I also boiled the eggs and potatoes for potato salad tomorrow.  Bill made some butterscotch pudding for dessert. I have picked out some new recipes to try this week.  I have to pick up a few ingredients at the store for them.

Tomorrow is going to be pajama day. We plan on spending the day in our pj’s. Since it is suppose to rain all day we won’t get to go on a walk so why not?  We haven’t done that yet since the stay at home order.

I talked to Cindy about my Mom and she is doing better.  She isn't happy being at the care facility but who really likes those places.  Jim and Cindy will be looking into what her insurance will pay for at home care.  I told them to go ahead and spend Mom's money to get the care they need.  They certainly shouldn't spend their own and it is for Mom's comfort. 

That is all for today

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