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Traveling the country, United States

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Saturday, April 18

The rain stopped overnight but it was still cold.  We waited until about 11:00 to take our walk.

Since trash day is at the beginning of the week I took a look in the fridge trying to decide what to have for dinner. I decided that we would have whatever leftovers we wanted for dinner. That meant we had the following leftovers - pizza, boneless chicken wings, baked apple slices (or applesauce), and cottage cheese. Not very nutritious but hey, it cleaned out the fridge.  Tomorrow I will be actually cooking.

We didn’t go anywhere today..  I did get some soap dishes I ordered. When all of this virus stuff happened we had trouble getting liquid hand soap so we picked up bar soap.  I decided to go ahead and use those up but needed something to place them on by the sink.

I tried to call my mom today but the phone in her room just kept ringing.  I called my brother and Cindy said to ask the people at the facility to go into her room and hand her the phone.  I guess she sometimes cannot reach the phone. Oh well, she is writing me out of the will since I won’t hop on a plane and fly out there. She is not happy but there really isn’t much Jim and Cindy can do about it in this environment.  She needs help that the boys can’t provide.

Around 5:00 we decided to take another walk since it was nice outside. The temps were up in the 50’s and there were no clouds.

I did a little reading after that and then we watched a bit of tv. That is all for now. Night night.

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