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Traveling the country, United States

Monday, April 20, 2020

Sunday, April 19

Today was cool, in the 50’s. We still did our walks. Bill has always done two walks a day and I started doing two myself. We have seen a few of our neighbors out mowing their lawns and working in their gardens.

Today I decided to make homemade spaghetti sauce. I had a can of tomatoes that needed to be used so into the crockpot went the tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste, red wine, ground turkey, Italian sausage, and spices. I let it cook all day.  It was a bit watery but I enjoyed it. I guess it needed to simmer without a lid on it to thicken up. I made salads and served the wine with it, never cook with wine you wouldn’t drink.  I also had some French bread but didn’t include that in the picture. By the way, that plate is not a full size dinner plate. We generally eat off the smaller breakfast plates.

Today was laundry day. So that is taken care of for another week.  I spent some time paying bills, our car registrations are coming due so I dealt with that paperwork. I had picked up some cards to send to people so I got those sent. We then drove to the post office to mail them. I developed a habit of sending any important mail from the post office instead of putting it in my mailbox. I have continued that practice here even though people stealing from mailboxes isn’t as big a problem here.

The rest of the time was spent on the computer, reading and watching tv. Exciting.

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