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Traveling the country, United States

Friday, July 17, 2020

Sunday-Friday, July 12-17

Ok, I don’t remember exactly what we did on what day so I am just going to put it all in one post. On Sunday we went to the storage area to move the pavers we have there so that the tires of the new rig fit on them. We had to shorten the distance as this rig is shorter. Also, we used to pull the Winnebago in forward but we back the new rig in. They have become picky about crossing over the parking area line. Before the sight next to us and our site shared two spots. They have decided to rent that spot out so we have less room. We plan on moving our boat into that spot as soon as it is available, the. We will have a little extra room. Right now they are waiting for the fifth wheel that is there to move a little to the left so the boat will fit. Right now our boat is on the other side of the lot.  We also collected stuff for the community yard sale this weekend. We are only going to participate on Saturday since we don’t come home from camping until Friday. 

We brought the rig to the house on Monday afternoon to plug it in and cool down the fridge. We are leaving Tuesday to go camping. We found out the camping group cancelled the camp out over a disagreement with the campground.  Good thing we made plans on our own or else no camping. We are headed to the local KOA. We took Rory there last year and he had fun. It has a pool, playground and a bouncy pad. It is only about 10 miles from the house so we can go home if we forget something. 

On Tuesday we picked the little monsters up around noon and headed out not long after that. On our way we had to stop for gas. I forgot what side the tank was on and lined Bill up wrong. It is the opposite side from the other rig so that will take some getting used to. We got to the campground and got set up. The jacks are working fine so we are level and stable. As we were getting setup Rory took off to play at the playground.  Bill and I finished and then I took Rory to the pool for a couple of hours. That was cooling. It is hot and muggy. He also played on the bounce pad a bit. We had a fire and roasted marshmallows in the evening. Rory had fun chasing and catching fireflies. We were all tired and went to bed around 9:30. The rig has two air conditioners so we are experimenting with which one to use at night and how many openings we need to use to keep the rig cool. We had homemade pizza for dinner and it was good. I don’t make it often but I like mine better than the delivery places. I will have to make sure I have the fixings at home. 

Wednesday we were up and going again. We took a quick trip to the local Walmart to pick up a couple of things. I bought Rory a water gun, it was on the end of season sale, so he had one to play with in the pool. We are making a list of things for the rig still. We did get a pack of 3M hanger things to hang up stuff. We are putting some tap lights in some of the dark holes. All three of us went to the pool today and we played around a bit. It was pretty full of adults but not many kids. Yesterday there were a lot of kids but I don’t know where they went. Rory rode his bike and played in the playground a bounce pad again today. We did have a fire in the evening but used a presto log and it burned really well. We probably won’t have one tomorrow as it might rain. We had steak, French fries and salad for dinner. 

Thursday, this is our last full day at the campground. It is overcast and warm. It looks like all the kids Rory’s age went home. There is nobody for him to play with. He did ride his bike a little and we went to the pool. In the evening some new kids came and he played with them until we called him in to go to bed. For dinner we had spaghetti.  I made the sauce at home so all I had to do was make the noodles and warm up some bread. It was good and we all ate a lot. I did call Our friend Terry while we were sitting outside at the campground. It was good to talk to him again. Everyone went to bed about 10:00. We are all tired. 

Friday - we got up, cleaned the rig, got organized to go home and were home by 10:30. We took the little monsters home after we got everything out of the rig and the food out of the rig fridge into the house one. We stopped and got the Chevy washed on the way home as it had been sitting under a pine tree all week and was filthy. We also stopped real quick to pick up a couple of things at the grocery store and lunch from Burger King. I tried the crispy chicken and it was pretty good. We decided to take naps in the afternoon as we are tired. We were doing laundry we needed to put back in the rig, stuff like sheets and towels so we slept between loads. When the laundry was done we took the rig back to the storage lot. We tried the window shade we had from the old rig but it is a bit small.  I also sized the inside window shades I had. They are not quite tall enough but are absolutely wide enough. I will have to think about what I want to do. 

I am not sure if we are going to do the yard sale tomorrow. We are both tired and it doesn’t look like there was a lot of traffic for the part today. We were a bit surprised when they said the hours were 9-3 instead of early in the morning. In California we usually started by 7 AM. 

Dinner tonight was simple, just broiled pork chops, fried potatoes, and carrots.  I was too tired to do much. We also ate from fruit we had left. 

So that is all. 

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