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Traveling the country, United States

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Wednesday-Saturday, July 8-11

Wednesday, July 8

We decided to go out to breakfast today, back to Scramblers. It was good.  We did make a quick stop at the grocery store on our way home to get milk and bread. I will be making a bigger list for what we need to go camping with Rory next week but first I need to set a menu. 

It is still hot so we went for our walk before breakfast. We did get our evening walk in too but much later. We have had to water the grass a couple of times. The projected summer storms are missing our town so no water from the rain. It seems that all the towns around us are getting rain but not us. 

I made salmon for Bill and I had a chicken breast. Some fresh tomatoes and broccoli rounded out the meal.

Thursday, July 9

Nothing going on today. The heat is suppose to break a little tomorrow so that will be good. We did our early and late walks again. Bill wanted SOS so that is what I made. 

Another do nothing day except for our walks. 

Friday, July 10

I woke up with a neck ache so we didn’t do our morning walk. I went back to bed with the heating pad and felt better after that. We did get little spurts of rain off an on today but still not enough for the grass. Bill had a appointment with his cardiologist today. Everything is going good there. 

I had taken a Tri tip out of the freezer so I marinated it and then put it on the grill. We had corn on the cob and frozen twice baked potatoes with it. I froze the leftovers and we are taking them with us camping next week. All I will have to do is hear them up. That will be an easy dinner. I am finishing up my shopping list for thE trip, we will go shopping on Sunday and Monday. 

Things are not looking great in Ohio with the virus. We have having surges. It is mostly the big cities. They are requiring masks in some counties, not ours yet but in the surrounding ones. We try to use a mask when we are out, except when walking. 

Saturday, July 11

The weather was cooler today so we waited a bit before going for our morning walk.  We left for our evening walk but it started raining about half way around so we headed home. We decided to head over to Dairy Queen to have some ice cream but there were about 20 cars lined up at the drive through. You can’t go I. The store, drive through only. We thought we would try UDF (United dairy farmers) but they had a long line too so we just went home. I guess we didn’t need the ice cream. 

Dinner was simple, just pot pies. Quiet day today, the only thing I did was order a filter for my refrigerator water system. I did start to collect things for our camping trip next week. 

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