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Traveling the country, United States

Monday, August 03, 2020

Monday-Sunday, July 27-Aug 2


We had no plans for today. We did make a quick run to the local drug store to get a couple of things, including birthday cards for two of Bill’s cousins. One is turning 80 and one is turning 90. Bill’s dad was one of 12 kids and wasn’t the oldest so he has cousins that are a wide range in ages. The one turning 90 lives in San Dimas!  If we had known that we could have visited him when we lived near by.  Dairy Queen is next door to the drug store and the line was really short so we decided to get milk shakes. They were really good in this heat. 

We didn’t go on our walks today.  I ordered a couple of things for my new sewing machine. I needed a couple of accessories.  I got a text saying my machine will be here tomorrow. That is a lot faster then I thought it would.  The order said 7-10 days and it will only be 4 days. 

For dinner I made meat loaf and we had scalloped potatoes with it. 


We got up and went out for breakfast. Next stop was Ace hardware to spend Bill’s $5 coupon that was expiring. We got some stuff that will remove sticky stuff. We have an area in the rig we need to remove sticky stuff from after we took down the things that were there. We also measured the site next to our rig to make sure we could get the boat in. It looks like there will be no problem. We talked to the office and told them we would move the boat this week so they can rent out our current spot. 

We had dentist appointments this afternoon. Cleaning for both of us and a bit of adjustments for me. We are good for the next six months. When we got home my sewing machine was here. I set it up and it it worked fine. I finished the window shade I had left. Now I have to measure them to sew Velcro on to keep them closed. That will happen tomorrow when we go to the lot to move the boat. 

We did our walks today. Dinner was simple, soup and sandwiches. 


Today we went over to the storage lot.  I measured and placed the Velcro strips so I could take the screens home and sew the strips on.  After the measuring we moved the boat mit took a couple of tries but we got it backed into the new spot. When the 5th wheel next to us finally moves over we will have more room and it will be easier. We are thinking about possibly selling it as we haven’t used it yet this year, but we are using the new rig more. Once home and cooled off I attached the Velcro and finished up the screens. Bill asked me to make a bag to carry and store them in so I did.  I also attached handles to make it easier to carry. I still have al lot of material left so I will have to find a use for it some day. 

Dinner was leftovers. Tomorrow is trash day so I had to clean out the fridge. Now that I am done wi5h the screens I will start working on masks. I want to try a couple of different styles to decide which we like best then I will make a bunch of those. 


We have an appointment at the credit union this morning. We have a couple of CD’s coming due and we have to decide what to do with them. The interest rates right now are really low so do we roll them to shorter terms or put the money in our investment accounts?  Decisions, decisions.  

After the credit union we drove over to the base. First we stopped at a local restaurant we like there. I picked up a few things at the commissary and then we went into the exchange. We were there to buy a tv for the rig but they didn’t have any in stock. Their website said they had 3 last night but there were none today. Oh well.  I went ahead and ordered it online from the exchange and it will be shipped with no shipping charge and no taxes. 

I made a pizza for dinner. It came out pretty good. It rained all day, not too heavy, but that meant that we didn’t get our walks in today because of it.  


Today we are going to take Rory to a local splash pad/park. Aimee is going to do her weekly shopping and he doesn’t like to go with her. He had a good time. There were a number of kids for him to play with so he enjoyed it. The weather was in the high 80’s but cloudy so it wasn’t bad to sit around the park we had lunch there and enjoyed ourselves.  When we took him home Nick was there. We thought we would be babysitting until Aimee finished her shopping but he took over.  We did sit and talk for a bit before coming home. I loaned Aimee my new sewing scissors, hem marker and pins so she could shorten a new pair of jeans she has. 


Not much today. I did spend some time sewing masks. I have three different patterns and I wanted to make each to determine which style we liked best. It turned out to be one that sits out from the mouth making breathing easier. It doesn’t get as hot as the other ones.  I put some tomato sauce in the crockpot along with some beef ribs I had. I am making a heavy meat sauce. I am going to serve it with thick noodles. It is a bit acidic so I will put some sugar in the leftover sauce that I am freezing to cut it a bit. 

I can’t remember if it rained today or not but I think we got at least one walk in today. I did a bit more sewing.  I jammed to machine and had to watch a video on YouTube to figure out how to unjam it. Thank goodness for the internet. Oh yeah, I had gotten a call yesterday saying my old sewing machine was done and there was no additional charge so we went this morning to pick it up. I am going to keep it instead of donating it.  I told Aimee she could use it any time she wants. 


Today we did our grocery shopping. Kroger is offering double fuel points if you shop Thursday-Sunday. Hey, why not get those. In July I earned $.60 off a gallon, good deal. I did wind up forgetting a couple of things but I am going shopping on Wednesday to pick up a few last minute things for camping. This will be our last camp out with Rory and Lola.  We will still go with the group but he is going back to school. It was a quiet day. I made sausage and sauerkraut for dinner along with corn on the cob. It was misting in the morning but we did get in an evening walk. 

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